Vaishali Chavare

Maths, Science, and Technological Integration in Education

A Science Post-Graduate with a degree in Bachelor of Education from the University of Pune, my journey in teaching began with owning coaching classes and later included working in the electronic industry and IT. However, my passion for education and working closely with kids pulled me back to the teaching field, where I’ve garnered around 15 years of experience.

I’ve had the privilege to work with reputable institutions like Dnyanganga English Medium School, Pune, Oxford International Public School, Pune, Shree Shivraya Pratishthan’s Junior College of Science And Commerce Pune, and M.I.T Junior College Pune as a lecturer. My research paper on “Applications of PLC in Industrial Processes” was published in a reputed journal, further solidifying my commitment to the academic field. Currently, I am a Facilitator for Maths and Science at UnSchool, where I oversee activities like Science Experiments and Maths Club. I recently completed a CENTURY of science experiments with children of all ages, marking an exciting milestone in my career.

Growing up, my father’s transferable government job with the Wireless Communication Department introduced me to independence and self-discipline at a young age. These early experiences helped shape me into an independent thinker and decision-maker. Being surrounded by scholar siblings further emphasized the importance of education and sports in my life. I was fortunate to have great teachers who nurtured my leadership qualities and helped me become one of the noticeable students in class. Their compassionate actions, especially towards children from humble backgrounds and those with physical challenges, encouraged me to join the field of education.

Coming from a family of teachers, I was naturally drawn to teaching. I realized early on that the “one size fits all” approach to education doesn’t necessarily fit all, and I became passionate about tailor-made education patterns based on individual interests and learning styles.

What attracted me to UnSchool was its boundaryless education pattern, supported by sports and the latest technology. The freedom given to teachers at UnSchool to implement what they think is best for their students resonated with my belief in a supportive work environment, individualized education, and the integration of technology and sports in learning.

My teaching philosophy revolves around learning through love and experience, well-rounded personality development, and preparing students to face real-life challenges. In the classroom, I strive to create a happy and conducive learning environment, filled with hands-on activities, personal experiences, real-life examples, and simple science experiments. I also make use of technology, such as PPTs and videos, to enhance understanding.

In my Learning Tribe, I adapt to the unique needs of mixed-age groups by varying the difficulty level of worksheets, allotting additional tasks, and changing the pace and style of teaching. I conduct periodic assessments and use peer learning methods to ensure that each student’s needs are met.

My primary goals for my students at UnSchool are to help them understand the basics of science and math, create interest in learning, and inculcate a scientific approach and logical thinking towards analyzing situations. I aim to inspire and support them through innovative teaching methods, keeping them updated with current affairs, sharing personal experiences, and encouraging them to think creatively.

Outside of teaching, my interests include learning classical singing and swimming. My love for classical music helps me convey the importance of stress relief, concentration, cultural heritage, and creativity to my students. Sports have taught me the value of leadership, teamwork, responsibility, patience, and self-control, lessons I pass on to my learners.

Looking forward, my aspirations as an educator at UnSchool include dreaming big and striving to make UnSchool known as a UNIQUE learning center that leads in nurturing young researchers, problem solvers, and innovators successfully. I aspire to build strong educational foundations for our learners, instilling values like compassion, empathy, and social awareness. My goal is to help them grow into good, responsible human beings and alert, curious, and well-informed citizens of the modern world. UnSchool’s unique philosophy and approach provide the perfect platform for me to pursue these dreams, and I’m excited to continue contributing to the success and growth of our students.

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