Outlier: Entrepreneurship Unbound

Igniting Innovation, Fostering Collaboration, Shaping Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs

Welcome to “Outlier,” UnSchool’s groundbreaking Entrepreneurship program that embodies our core principles to create an unprecedented entrepreneurial experience for young innovators.

The word “Outlier” refers to something that is markedly different or distinct from others in a particular group or set. In statistics, it’s a data point that diverges significantly from the rest of the data, indicating an anomaly or a unique occurrence. In the broader sense, an outlier is often seen as an individual who stands out due to their unconventional thinking, creativity, or ability to go beyond the norm. Such individuals often challenge the status quo and pave new paths, making significant contributions to their field. In the context of UnSchool’s Entrepreneurship program, “Outlier” symbolizes the aspiration to foster young minds that think differently, innovate creatively, and have the courage to pursue unique paths in the world.

Open to students both within and outside UnSchool, “Outlier” is a testament to UnSchool’s commitment to empowerment, exploration, creativity, diversity, and real-world engagement.

A Journey Beyond Conventional Boundaries

Inspired by globally renowned accelerator programs, “Outlier” transcends conventional education, leveraging UnSchool’s foundational principles to offer a unique, hands-on entrepreneurial journey.

The “Outlier” program is a synthesis of our foundational principles, woven together to create a unique entrepreneurial journey for young innovators. Students are empowered to take charge of their ideas, forming founder teams, and working collaboratively to bring their visions to life. This empowerment is coupled with a culture of exploration that encourages students to venture into unknown territories, discover new opportunities, and learn through real-world challenges. Resilience and perseverance are nurtured as they navigate the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial path, learning from failures, and celebrating successes.

Compassion underscores our approach, emphasizing empathy and social responsibility, as students are guided to create ventures that contribute positively to society and the world. A passion for excellence, or what we call “obsession,” drives every aspect of the program, from mentorship to skill development, fostering a relentless pursuit of perfection. Students are encouraged to take the initiative, think creatively, and innovate, embodying the entrepreneurial spirit.

Finally, diversity, one of UnSchool’s core pillars, shines through in “Outlier.” We provide an inclusive environment that celebrates diverse perspectives, ideas, and backgrounds, enriching the entrepreneurial experience. It’s this amalgamation of empowerment, exploration, fortitude, compassion, obsession, initiative, and diversity that sets “Outlier” apart, aligning it with UnSchool’s vision and making it a transformative experience for young entrepreneurs.

A Unique Approach to Entrepreneurship

“Outlier” is designed to provide a comprehensive, hands-on experience that guides students through the complete entrepreneurial journey. From forming founder teams to taking ideas to market, “Outlier” is a program where ideas are transformed into viable ventures under expert mentorship.

Program Highlights

Personalized & Immersive Experience

With a focus on individual needs and a founding team of up to 4 students, “Outlier” ensures a personalized and immersive learning experience. Our mentors work closely with each founder team, providing insights, feedback, and encouragement throughout the journey.

Who Can Join?

“Outlier” welcomes all aspiring young entrepreneurs, whether they are part of UnSchool or not. If you have a passion for innovation, a budding business idea, or simply the desire to explore the entrepreneurial world, “Outlier” is the place for you.

Why Choose "Outlier"?

Embark on the "Outlier" Adventure

Join “Outlier” and step into a world of innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurial success. Whether you’re taking the first step or ready to launch your venture, “Outlier” is here to guide, support, and empower you.

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